NE Coldfusion News
Next Meeting: February 25th
cf.Objective() 2014 Sneak Peek
Meeting Location
Our meeting location is provided by CF WebTools. CF WebTools is located near I680 & Dodge.
The address is
11204 Davenport
Suite 100
Omaha, NE 68154
In Other News..
Keep in mind we are now meeting on the 4th Tuesday of every other month. Here's a tentative suggested list of upcoming Topics:
- ColdFusion and AJAX
- Reading/writing XML with ColdFusion
- Image Generation (captcha?)
- OnRequestStart and related cfc stuff
- CF Administrator API
- Flex
- Reuseable forms
- Event Gateways
- Regular expressions and CF functions
- ColdFusion on Linux
- Unit Testing
- IDE Discussion (i.e. CFEclipse)
The CFUG is now on Facebook
"Like" us on Facebook to get updates about the group & meeting information.
Add CFUG meetings to your Google Calendar
If you use Google Calendar (or any of the options that integrate with a Google Calendar) you can easily see CFUG meetings. The Tech Omaha calendar lists many Omaha user group meetings, including the CFUG. Click here to add this calendar to your Google Calendar. You can also grab the events in ical format. Or just view the calendar.
Online Training Offer
Total Training, premier provider of video software training for Adobe, has a special offer going where you can try their service for free for 7 days.
Win free books!
Our group is now affiliated with InformIT User Groups. All CFUG members can register once per month to win a bundle of books! Signup here to win free books.
Resource Links
For a links to presentations, blogs, podcasts and great Coldfusion resource sites check out our resource center