Meeting Location
The NECFUG meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Discussion and pizza start around 6:00, with the presentation starting
shortly after.
Starting in October, we are now meeting at CF WebTools. CF WebTools is located
at 11204 Davenport, Suite 100. Google map
From the west - take Dodge to 114th st (you'll need to exit off the Dodge Express way to old Dodge down below), and turn south at 114th. At the very next stop light, turn left. You are now on Davenport st. Follow this around, and just before you get to the stop sign, turn left into the CF WebTools parking lot.
From the east - take Dodge to 114th st (be sure to NOT get on the Dodge elevated express way after you cross I680). Turn south at 114th. At the very next stop light, turn left. You are now on Davenport st. Follow this around, and just before you get to the stop sign, turn left into the CF WebTools parking lot.
From the north/south - Take I680 and exit at Dodge st. Exit to Dodge *West*, but do not get on the elevated express way, instead take Dodge st down below. Turn south at 114th. At the very next stop light, turn left. You are now on Davenport st. Follow this around, and just before you get to the stop sign, turn left into the CF WebTools parking lot.
Our parking lot is adjacent to the lot for Parables, a large book store with a big sign out front.
Past Meeting Topics
We've had some excellent topics and speakers in the past. Here's a list or our most recent topics.
- May 20th - Flash Remoting For CF programmers - Coders CAN learn new tricks!. - (Intermediate-advanced)
- August 17th (Tuesday!) - Real World CSS - Using CSS for positioning, image management etc. Learn how to make CSS work for you. - (Beginner)
- September 16th - Building better Flash Interfaces - So what if you are not a GUI specialist, you can still make outstanding user friendly layouts using FLASH and Flash Forms. - (Beginner-intermediate)
- October 21st - Technology Wave - Interested in what's coming next? - (Beginner)
- January 15th - - Introducing CFCs. - (beginner)
- February 19th - - Studio 2004 tips and tricks (beginner)
- November 28th, 2006 - The Adobe Spry AJAX Framework - An overview of this easy to use AJAX and JavaScript effects toolkit.
- January 23rd, 2007 - Axel Jensen - Adobe Flex Introduction - An overview of Adobe Flex
- Feb 13th, 2007 - Kevin Hoyt, Senior Product Specialist with Adobe, gave us an overview of Apollo.
- Feb 27th, 2007 - Josh Adams, Technical Sales Engineer for New Atlanta, gave us an introduction to the latest version of BlueDragon - the CFML Application Server product. His presentation is available. Mark also wrote up a nice summary on his blog.
- March 27th, 2007 - Selling ColdFusion - Mark Kruger hosted a great discussion on the benefits of ColdFusion, and why its a good choice for development despite free offerings such as PHP and ASP.
- May 1st, 2007 - Scorpio Preview - Adam Lehman from Adobe came to show some sneak peaks at the next version of ColdFusion. It was very impressive!
- May 22nd, 2007 - Model-Glue and ColdSpring - Eric Miller, Manger of Web Systems at Werner Enterprises gave a presentation on Model-Glue Unity. Aaron Shaddy was the lucky winner of the Adobe CS3 Suite we gave away.
- June 26th, 2007 - Object Oriented Development in CF - Axel Jensen gave a great presenation on this topic. Jimmy Winter also gave us a walk through of his Music Arsenal site, which was very impressive.
- August 29th, 2007 - ColdFusion 8 New Features - We watched an online presentation from Jason Delmore, CF Product Manager at Adobe. Jason reviewed the new features in ColdFusion 8. We gave away many prizes, including a copy of ColdFusion 8 won by Shawn Ketchmark!
- September 25th, 2007 - The ColdFusion 8 Debugger - Jimmy Winter gave an overview of the new ColdFusion 8 debugger. What a neat tool. Ryan gave a quick demo of, an online video training site. They are currently offering user group members $50 off the normal yearly price - use discount code ug200otl. This month's meeting was sponsored by Ray Carter at Connect IT. Thanks Ray!
- October 23rd, 2007 - Deep Dive into CF8 Ajax - What a great meeting. Adam Lehman from Adobe was here to talk about CF8 Ajax and whatever other CF8 topics we wanted to discuss. This was our first meeting at our new location. The dicussion was great and I think we all learned something. Thanks Adam!
- November 27th, 2007 - CF8 tricks, Subversion and Trac - Mark Kruger gave us a look at some neat client side features he's been creating with CF8. Then we watched a presentation by Peter Farrell on using Subversion and Trac.
- January 22th, 2008 - FarCry - Jake Churchill walked us through a FarCry CMS installation, and showed the webtop interface for managing a FarCry site. He then showed how custom data types can be created by extending the core farcry classes. Presentation available.
- February 26th, 2008 - CFEclipse - Mike Henke lead a discussion on CFEclipse, the populate IDE for ColdFusion development. PDF slides.
- March 25th, 2008 - SQL Tips & Tricks - Mark Kruger gave a great talk on SQL Server Tips & Tricks. This was a preview of his upcoming presentation at the Web Maniacs Conference.
- April 22nd, 2008 - Installing, Configuring And Troubleshooting Coldfusion - Mark Kruger walked through a comprehensive list of tips and best practices to follow when setting up a ColdFusion server. Ryan Stille walked through how to upgrade your JVM (or downgrade, in the case of CF8!) and did a demo of using the JConsole tool to monitor JVM memory usage remotely. Presentation available.
- April 27th, 2008 - Selenium - Mike Henke gave a very interesting presentation on Selenium, a web based functionality testing tool. Slides are available.
- June 24th, 2008 - CSS - Jake Churchill lead a great discussion on CSS, including neat examples of what you can do once your site is using CSS, and several different CSS editors. Slides are available on Jake's blog. Mike Henke was the lucky winner of the Adobe software giveaway!
- July 22th, 2008 - Development Workflow - Axel Jensen covered some great tools and processes to add efficiency to your development lifecycle.
- August 26th, 2008 - The onTap Framework - Isaac Dealey Talked about his SOA framework, onTap. This presentation was given remotely from Isaac's home in Boston. Thanks Isaac!
- September 23rd, 2008 - Organizing Applications - Ryan Stille gave a presentation on organizing ColdFusion applications - how to organize files, preform nice looking validation, reuse forms, etc. Code will be released in the next few weeks.
- October 28th, 2008 - The art of debugging - Mike Henke gave a talk on debugging ColdFusion using the FusionDebug product. After the meeting, we gave away a copy of Fusion Debug! Congrats to the winner, Steve Ryan. The meeting was broadcasted live on ustream, an archived copy is available. Presentation notes are on google docs.
- November 25th, 2008 - TransferORM - Jimmy Winter spoke about his experience with Transfer, an Object Relational Mapping Library. A recording is available.
- January 27th, 2009 - Mark Kruger spoke about understanding email delivery - tips and tricks on getting your message delivered. A recording is available, as are the slides.
- February 24th, 2009 - Chris Tierney spoke about using EXT to create user interfaces and how to communicate with ColdFusion using AJAX. A recording is available. Chris also posted the slides on his blog.
- March 24th, 2009 - Mark Kruger spoke about various tips & tricks, and showed off a few neat things.
- April 28th, 2009 - Chris Tierney gave an overview of working with external documents using Java API's inside of ColdFusion 8, including using Apache POI.
- May 26th, 2009 - Ryan Stille gave a talk on Railo and Open BlueDragon, two open source CFML engines.
We need Meeting Speakers!
You don't have to be a polished speaker to present out our meeting. You just have to have a topic that you are confident in and a willingness to share. Many of our meetings turn into exploration of a technique or topic rather than a lecture. We always provide an internet connection and we encourage exploring code samples with the group. Here are some examples:
- Working with an IDE - If you consider yourself an expert at configuring the Flash IDE or manipulating Dreamweaver settings then perhaps you would like to share some of those tips.
- Using a Coding Framework - If you are a fusebox Guru or have a custom cfc framework we'd love to hear it!
- New Technology - Perhaps you have quickly adopted a cutting edge technology and you want to share the insights You learned while exploring it.
- Project or Product - If you have a new site or project that is innovative and unique and you want to share it with us we'd love to see it and ask about your approach.